
The Battle Masters

The Battle Masters (TBM) is a relatively young web comic set in the World of Warcraft Universe. Its being drawn and directed by Yonzon, a friend of mine who also writes for WoW.com .

It tells the story of his characters in the game, with a PvP atmosphere. There has not yet been an appearance from prominent NPCs or in-game story elements yet, but rather TBM's story only plays-off of the main storyline without totally being directed by it. There are hints and mentions of the great war that is going on that helps tie the comic to the WoW universe, but it still remains apart. I like this approach as it gives the author a good atmosphere to work with leaving many options for the comics future. At the moment I find the story is still building momentum, but I must say that I am Liking the art. He has a clean style with prominent lettering without cluttering the panels too much. The character designs are also interesting. He has retained the WoW character designs but at the same time given each o his own character their own distinctive feature.

One last bit about Battle Masters is that Yonzon has also put in some reviews and insights on his posts on the page. Of particular interest are the product reviews of the Razor peripherals which I found rather informative.

I'm looking forward to seeing more from this site and hopefully from the maker of the Comic as well.


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