
Updating the Blog with crappy connection

I am long overdue for an update to this Blog. I wanted to do a tutorial on the Dead Hero mini from the Space Hulk Board game, unfortunately the internet connection at home refuses to cooperate with me. It's odd that as I try to upload stuff onto Flicker, the status message confirms the files are up but they aren't. It seems that the connection at home isn't stable. The annoying part is we just upgraded to a Cable internet service with Sky, and it goes screwy everytime there's a storm in the Metro as it seems.

Anyway, for now I am posting using the office computer. I just wish to list out how I intend the next few Posts to flow.

Miniature Painting Guide Part 1:
I'll show how I prepare a miniature for painting. From removing flash, priming, and pinning the miniature for easier handling. I'll also list out the brushes and paints that I use as well as a few techniques that I most often use.

Miniature Painting Guide Part 2:
I will show pictures of the the painting process. Beginning with the base coat I'll discuss the steps I do up until the highlights and topcoat are all applied.

Miniature Painting Guide Part 3:
For the last of the set I intend to review my work and work procedure and offer up a few tips for anyone who would like to try their hand at painting minis as well.

Considering my absolute lack of ability with regards to sticking to the plan, I am sincerely hoping to at least pull through with this one. Not only to get more practice in my hobby, but also to build up momentum in keeping my little space here updated.

Till my next post.


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